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late night - Sunday, Jan. 1, 2006
Late night ramblings!
Over the river and through the woods to Aunt Jane�s I went. I felt really bad that I didn�t go to her party last night, but after sliding into the guardrail I�m a bit skittish about driving on slushy/icy roads and it was getting nasty here. Don said he wasn�t going to miss OT so he was going to stay home. We did go down to our friend�s house for a little get together which was really nice. I didn�t drink much, some wine that Laurie got me for Christmas it is much better with friends to share it with and a wine cooler and one small mixed drink for the toast at midnight!! We were home by 12:30 and watched a bit of TV then went to bed. I slept late this morning, probably why I�m not sleeping now.

I felt so bad I missed my Mommy�s bday it is the 30th I thought it was the 31st but was wrong. I made her a nice card this morning and took it with me to Aunt J�s house to give it to her. Aunt J�s birthday is sometime in the next week, so I will try to remember to get a card made and out to her this week.

I got Kay the newest Harry Potter book and I want to read it too, but I need to finish the one I have going first which is a lovely book from my niece Hopey called Elm Creek Quilters or something like that.

I hate my ISP right now. Unless you are using your connection it dumps you. GRRR!!! I know my setting is not set to terminate, so I think it is something on their end for times when the volume is high. Talk about irritating the crap out of me.

Well I�m off if this will allow me to post.

Always Remember and Never Forget�.people can tell when you are being genuine or not.

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