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12:11 p.m. - Sunday, April 3, 2005
Boy is my face RED!
I guess I should be updating more but things have been very hectic since I started working a reg. job outside my home, and have decided to keep working in my beauty shop in my �spare� time. Yeah right,, I have not spare time!!

I am such an idiot that I said I would make books *mini scrapbooks* for all the girls on the wrestling squads. I will be making 18 books, I have begun and wow it is one of those projects that you think �ohh this won�t be too bad�hahahahahah� Well I unfortunately won�t be able to give you all the low down on how wonderful my one day was last week because I have to get working on these!! OYY!! Anyhow,, I had a good week at work, I was productive and I think BL is proud of me, and pleased with my performance.

The really funny thing is I got all the photos done for my mini books. Yeah,,, well I burnt something like 48some photos onto a CD and took it to Wally World to have the prints made. I went through them **it took me something like 45 min.** and I counted how many I ordered and it was something like 425, I was like �ohh my gosh I can�t afford that!!� So I went back through and eliminated what I thought was about half, which would have given me enough and would have cost me about $35 approx. The stupid machine didn�t tell me how many I had ordered so I guessed� well when I hit purchase and it printed my list, �Holy Cow!! I had ordered 347 photos.� I was so embarrassed and stepped around the corner and figured the cost and realized that I didn�t have $68 for these photos. So I went over to the counter told the girl I screwed up and she said she couldn�t stop it. OYY!!! So I sorta panicked and it must have showed on my face, because they were really nice and told me that it wasn�t a big deal to come back when the photos were done *in about an hour* and just sort out the ones I wanted and I didn�t they would just discard the rest and only charge me for the ones that I wanted. So I go back sort them quickly because they wanted to get out of there by 9 p.m. I finished about 5 to 9 and got about $45 in photos. He *the manager* priced them and bagged them; then he bagged the rest of them wrote N/C and gave them to me. I thought that was so sweet. I was so embarrassed but they didn�t make me feel bad or anything they were wonderful!! I got a comment card to fill out and send in! I believe they went above and beyond the call of being nice! So I have a ton of photos for these books!! Which I hear calling my name.

I have been doing horrible with my weight watchers program. Today begins stringent eating guidelines so that I can get back to losing. Easter was a killer, I love chocolate and well to be honest I ate lots of it!! It is always hard to get back to it, you know getting into the zone when it has been something like a week. I also need to begin to use the ab lounge every other or every night.

Hubby boy had to go to work today, since we have about 3 in. of snow and they are calling for something like 4 more today. Winter is back with a vengeance. Didn�t it used to be that we had our last horrible storm around St. Patty�s day and then spring came?? Well apparently not so last year either. The weather guy said that this weekend last year, we had 5 in. of snow then too!! Go figure!! Looking out my window right now looks something like a blizzard complete with wind and snow! The temp is hovering right around 30 F.

Sigh I guess I could talk more about the depressing weather but I think instead I will be working on these books for the girls!! The banquet will be soon!

Always remember and never forget�it is wise and prudent to count how many photos you chose to have printed at Wally World.

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