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9:32 a.m. - Friday, Jan. 1, 2004
Happy new Year ponderings!
Happy New Year!!! There have been some things I have been pondering that have kept me from actually writing this entry. Not grand things, stupid things like, how come when I get the urge to write and come up with something good I only have a short time frame in which to do it???? Why can�t I come up with good stuff when I have time to blow?? Another thing I have been pondering is where this whole sports competition thing is going. I believe the holiday break is for family and what not, since when the kids play sports they aren�t home but a couple of hours after practice before bed. So they have them 5 days a week from 7 am till about 6:30 (that is when we get home practice actually ends at 6) they take the time families should be eating dinner together. Then they have practice for 2 hr on Sat morning. I was very dismayed to see that my son only had as many days playing b-ball as he had off over vacation. I wish they didn�t push sports over into days they don�t have school. I think sports are good but I really can�t stand coaches that think they own all the time kids aren�t in school. OHH well Paul says he is having fun and I do like the fact that he is now exercising on a regular basis, and I make sure we have plenty of family time. Today they have a make-up game from their snow day so Don is going to take him and watch the game and bring him home. Kay and I are going to watch Return of the King with friends this morning. Then it is off to the beauty supply place and then of course the scarpbooking studio, can�t go to Erie and NOT go there. Then lunch and maybe a bit of shopping, am broke so won�t buy anything but we can look, and then to drop her off at her cheerleading party at her coaches house at 5.

I just got way inspired just thinking of the scrapbooking place� hehe I have this really cute photo of Paul in his Steelers uniform he got for Christmas one year at about age 5 and I wanted to scrapbook them but couldn�t think of a layout well it just came to me� in the photos the twins Ashley and Sarah are with him, so I am going to do the whole football player/cheerleader thing with it,, pretty cool huh?

Glad I got that down or I would have forgotten.

Well since time is short I�m off to figure out what I need to buy and then off to Erie!!

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