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9:59 a.m. - Thurs. Aug. 28, 2003
Twofer entry!
I think summer had finally come to NW PA! Whaa whooo NOT!!! My sweet babies went back to school today and I miss them terribly, I should be telling them they need to be in the pool swimming on this hot day. Mother nature has indeed played a very very cruel joke on us if this (Aug & Sept) is to be our summer.

I keep wondering how the kids are doing. I should be cleaning the kitchen and the rest of this filthy house, but I am tired and am thinking about snoozing till about 4.

You know what reading that has real appeal.

I�ll be back later. *S*

I guess that nap took a bit longer than I imagined it would. I never made it back to the computer, not that I wasn�t at a computer, just not back to MY computer to finish this. OK I am sure that made no sense what so ever without this next paragraph.

After I got done writing the first part of this entry I realized I could take a nap, so I did, however when I woke up it was time for the kids to get home. I don�t know about your household but when the kids come blowing in here after school they usually are all the chatter. **it was worse when they were little** I love this chatter it�s usually about friends and bus antics! This is my favorite time of the day they seem to forget they are teens and share stuff with me spontaneously which if you know teens they aren�t big into sharing their lives with Mom.

After this was over and I had a good talk with my kids about tolerance, respect and rudeness. You know what the sad thing is..Parents don�t teach their children how to be tolerant or respectful any more. If every parent of every child all around the world would teach their children to be tolerant and respectful of others the world would be at peace, for the most part. I have busted my butt to make sure that tolerance and respectfulness, and courtesy are skills my family uses every day. I have been having a particularly hard time with this the last 4 months or so. It seems that Kay thinks she is better than her brother and that he doesn�t deserve to be treated the way I want her to. However on the other hand her brother has learned that he likes to be funny. This is a good thing unless he is being funny with wise cracks about he weight, or her acne and things like that.

Yesterday during the wonderful spontaneous chat thing after school both kids made horrible hurtful slurs against each other. Well not at the same time, first Paul said something about making a wise crack to one of her old teachers, then she later in the conversation made a nasty wise crack about how stupid he was. This just irked me to no end at that point I had had it!! I wasn�t going to put up with this any longer. First it gets on my nerves to have the kids bickering, but secondly I love them soo much it hurts to hear anyone say anything hurtful to them even if it is their sibling.

So I went off on them and explained that it was being disrespectful to me to be behaving that way. I told them I worked hard to make a peaceful, respectful, tolerant and loving home for them and this is what they do?? I explained how when I was a kid nobody gave a crap about me, well I was loved but sometimes I didn�t think anyone cared or even noticed I was there most of the time. I am not whining these are all issues I have put behind me and have dealt with, I was just letting them know that they have it really good. That I enjoy making their home good like this, and I didn�t deserve to be treated like that. Soooo They were feeling awfully sorry and repentful, well I also told them if they were going to fight like 2 yr olds then maybe they needed to spend more well supervised time together, if you know what I mean. I do think I may have gotten through to them. Well maybe for this week. Teens will be teens.

After I lectured the living daylights out of my children I gobbled up some quick dinner and headed out to my brother�s house about an hour away to see why his brand new very expensive DELL computer wouldn�t stay online longer than a few min. at a time. OYY was that a fun task.

I went through all the things I knew to do, however I don�t know XP that well so I wasn�t quite sure why we kept getting the error we did. So I re-entered the ISP info and it worked we were officially on line at 24,100 for about 2 and half web pages, and it quit. GRRRRRR!!! So we went out to the office he has there for his business and we got online with his old computer and it would stay on line and was fairly fast.

HUMMMM OK so we thought maybe it was the phone lines in the house doing it. We checked them and still no better. At this point I am agreeing with Lorrie that we need to through the whole thing right out the window!!

In order to rule out the lines we carried the whole system out to the office and hooked it all up and VWALA!! Still no better�. grrrr.. at this point the ISP tech support guy who had been trying to return our call called. We changed 2 settings **which I don�t think had a thing to do with it** and I asked him about the V92 if there was a way to disable it. Well when Jack had talked to DELL on the phone they tried with their code and no success, so the ISP guy had me put another code in to do the same thing. We tried again to no avail. Finally I called here and asked my daughter what kind of modem we had in here, and just has I had suspected the last modem I got from my computer company was just a plain 56K with no V features. I went through about 3 other modems before we could find one that would stay on line. When Kay told me this I remembered all the trouble I had with my new computer when I got it.

Hopefully today he will call DELL and tell them his lines are too old to take the V92 feature and send him a plain old 56K and be done. I am sure now that is what the problem was. I was bummed I couldn�t fix it for him, but at least I think that will fix the problem. I hope!

Gosh has this got long winded. Mom and I had a good visit while doing hair and having lunch so it was a great day in my neighborhood.

Always remember and never forget� Sometimes cleaning helps you find things you thought you would never see again.

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