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1:41 a.m. - Night before school, Aug. 26, 2003
Last day of summer '03
Here I sit at 1 am doing some unwinding from a busy day, however it wasn�t the business that has kept me up this evening.

Tomorrow is the first day of school for us. **sigh** The kids have requested that I take them so they can get there early. I don�t mind because I have realized that Kayla only has 2 more of these days, and Paul only has 4 more of these days.

This just boggles my mind how my children have grown up so fast. Seems just like yesterday they were cute little ankle biters, but yet maybe those days seem like another lifetime. I guess you could call my mood melancholy. I will miss them terribly tomorrow so I have the day planned out as being very busy.

First I will take them to school and be back here by 8:30, next I will call my Mom to see how she is doing, and if she wants to come on Friday or if she just wants me to run out and do her hair, since I only have that morning open to go and do her hair. I miss her, this week has been very very busy and last week she came over but then got to not feeling well and went home. OYYY!!!

After I do that I am going to wipe down my table on my new porch in order to have coffee out there with my friend Cece who is coming to get her hair done in the morning since she is leaving for AL on Thurs. and will be gone for 2 weeks. That should be fun!!

It should be about noon when she leaves which will leave me with about 3 hrs. to run to town and do the whole banking/post office bill thing. I also need to get some other stuff which will require at least 3 more stops. I hate it when I have to run to 3 different stores just to get one or two things at each store. I will go to the dreaded Dollar General and see if they have the folders Paul wants and the coffee I want, if they don�t have the folders I will run over to Big Lots which is in the same little mall. All I will have left on my list will be algaecide which depending on the cost of it at the pool place I might have to run out to Wally World which I so very very much DO NOT want to do.

I just had an epiphany, if I go to the pool place first and they are too expensive **I am only taking a very limited amount of money** then I will just get everything out at the Darkside! **goodness I hope my peasized brain will remember this tomorrow, I should since it is just down the street from my bank.** Glad I got that settled.

So tomorrow seems like it is going to be a very very busy day so I don�t have time to think about how grown up my kids are getting and how much I miss them. This year seems hard since Kay doesn�t want to go back to school.

This time of year has a weird affect on me. For some reason it causes this �nesting� thing to happen. You remember nesting, the act of preparing one�s home for a baby to be born?? NOOO I am not having a baby but it seems like the same feeling. You know where you want everything in order and you want all the clothes and bedrooms cleaned. Tonight I did it with my budget. **which by the way isn�t budging anywhere real fast!** I figured out that if I work really hard and save my money,,**insert hysterical laughter here** I realistically could have both credit cards payed off and have the money saved to get my next years gold membership, my dog a new kennel, and have a decent start on the saving for a new dryer and air conditioner, all by March or April of 04!

Ok ok I know it will probably be more like July before I get all that done but at least I have a game plan and a realistic figure to come up with each month.

One last thing before I end the rambling this nesting thing has also made me want to clean up my computer desk again. Man can this thing attract everything. There are things on here that I am almost afraid to go through for fear of having the whole big paper monster come alive and get me. I know he is sleeping here somewhere!!!

OHH I just remembered I need to go to the library tomorrow too. Yikes I am cringing at seeing what those fines are. I got the books before vacation back in July.

I guess I have rambled on enough to make me sleepy enough to want to head off to bed.

Always remember and never forget� just cause you still have checks doesn�t mean you still have money!

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