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7:59 a.m. - Saturday, Dec. 17, 2005
I'm making a list and checking it twice!!
On the 17th day of Christmas��I�m tired. Simply put I�m tired. I�m up very early this morning because I have a ton of stuff to do today beginning with 2 hair cuts at 8:30. I�m thinking I must have been out of my mind to schedule them this early! Ahhh well none the less I can use the time to gather my thoughts, make a list and write this entry! We are going shopping today. One of the things we will be shopping for is some way to organize my scrapbooking stuff. I know what I want but it would be entirely toooooooooo expensive, so I will have to do something so that I can organize my stuff without having to dig through deep containers to find what I�m looking for. I have some great ideas but we may end up building some of the stuff. I don�t know why I am even thinking of anything because hubby boy keeps telling me that he only has about $120 in Christmas money left which will allow us to fill the kids stockings and give them a bit of money to give to the kids to buy stuff for us. Go figure. I know when I say I don�t have any money I mean I don�t have any money!

Anyhow I�m having company this evening and I can�t wait. I just can�t wait. I wish I could go online and order about $50 in scrapbooking stuff to play with! I think if I were to be honest I would find that I don�t NEED anything just want everything! Markers and gel pens right up there on the top of the list. Not that I use the gel pens much, and I usually find them not working when I need them. I just really want a way to up my stuff away so that it is accessible when I want it and easy to get rid of when I don�t! Organization for Christmas!!

Well I need to get to my list making, I�m sure that this stupid lady will be early this morning and I really would like to get a jump on things.

Always remember and never forget�dead plants can still look green for a little while.

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