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10:36 p.m. - Saturday, April 8, 2006
I've been adopted!!!
I must be obsessed with time or lack there of because I�m always talking about how fast it breezes right by me. Like right now, I just can�t believe that things are moving so fast. It is almost Easter and I just don�t know where all that time went. I did get the books done for the wrestling cheerleaders and I think they were well liked, but nobody told me. They were nice books and I hope they are liked. I do feel thought that I have had more time to actually get online and post some on my scrapbooking site. I haven�t chatted or done much writing while I was working on those and the beauty shop. The shop is almost done, and the books are done so I think I can breath; however next up will be Kay�s graduation!! I have a feeling I will be doing lots of cleaning and whatnot for that! I am thinking I should start buying a couple lbs. of meat every week and make and freeze meatballs for meatball subs. MMM I love meatball subs. I have so much to do for her graduation party. One of which is put a scrapbook together for her to have out showcasing her school years. I am thinking I would like to take one of her senior photos and putting in a kindergarten photo. I�ll have to work on that. What a great idea!

Since the banquet was last Tue. evening and I gave all the girls their books I got up Wed. morning after sleeping in and realized I didn�t have a big project that needed my immediate attention. I felt rather odd. So I called a friend and then realized that I had the time to do some cleaning. I began with what was really bugging me which was the dust bunnies turned monsters under the computer desks just waiting to attach when someone sat down. Wed. morning I spent cleaning out from behind and underneath the old computer desk and ohh did it look so nice when I was done. I was so proud of myself. I moved the whole unit without injuring my back *but my legs felt it the next day* and cleaned all that from behind it, I dusted down the wall and all the photos on it. Then I attended a children�s play call the Reluctant Dragon, out at our elementary school. She was great, and they did a great job! I enjoyed it lots!

Thursday wasn�t too bad I had my regular lady *friend* come and get her hair done then I got busy and cleaned under and around the new computer desk and took all the photos off the walls and dusted them down and wiped down all the woodwork around the windows and washed the curtains and since it was only half day of school Kay came home and washed the glass for me. Just knowing that is clean makes me feel better. You wouldn�t know I did so much or worked so hard with the stuff on the desks and all the dust on them, but I know and that is all that really matters. After we got done with that I took Kay out to lunch at a Chinese place. It was yummy, however it was horrible for my WW. I enjoyed the time with my daughter and that is important to me. We then stopped in Value City and didn�t buy anything. Then we came home and just chilled. Paul was over at his girlfriend�s house. They spend a ton of time together.

Friday was a nice day too I did a little hair then Mom came and we had lunch and I did her hair and then did a couple more cuts. Rachael�s Dad brought her over about 2 and the kids hung out here till I had to go over and get Kayla who was hanging out with a guy friend not far from Rachael�s house. I had a good time waiting for Kay�s movie to end, I hung out with Rachael�s parents, Kathy and Jim, and their friend�s Heather and Ed. They were playing cards and the girls had been drinking and were very funny. I had one drink that was very yummy. It was something that tasted like a mudslide but it was smoother, they got it when they went to the Bahamas. It was very yummy! Finally Kay came and I we came home. It was really nice.

I wasn�t going to work today thinking we would do something fun as a family, but I did take a hair cut this morning, and it only took a little time so it was all good. Paul went with Rachael and her family to Erie to the zoo and had a good time spending the day with her. Kay, hubby boy and I went out to lunch and the BK and then to �the darkside� to get groceries and such. Hubby boy also picked up the parts to fix his mom�s car for inspection, and spent the rest of the day working on it. Which was just fine since it was a pretty day but really cold, high�s only in the mid 30�s.

We have been adopted, unfortunately not by someone with lots of money, but adopted nonetheless, by a velvet bunny, not �The Velvet Rabbit� but the neighbor�s kid�s bunny that after being sorta neglected went AWOL and moved into the little place underneath the addition to the garage. He is so pretty he, I guess I shouldn�t call him a he since we can�t tell the gender unless we catch him, and I can�t remember how the neighbor referred to it. It was rather funny the first time we saw him. Hubby boy yells into me� come see this white rabbit� **I�m thinking it isn�t my birthday (flash back to 40 pink flamingos)** so I haul my butt out of bed and yep there was a big white bunny in the front yard. Who didn�t seem in a hurry to move on. So I called a couple of the close neighbors I know have bunnies and none of theirs were white so I called the neighbor behind us and sure enough it was his daughter�s. He did come up but the bunny is skittish and won�t let you near it much. He said he had been feeding it for the last few months and one day jumped out and was gone. He implied that he wasn�t too enthusiastic to get it back. So I think he has taken up residence here since he hasn�t moved on and hasn�t gotten eaten or anything yet. I hope he doesn�t he is so pretty. I want to get a photo of him but he is hard to sneak up on. He must be a u-neak rabbit. Haha!!

On this note I am going to head off to bed, I�m really tired.

Always remember and never forget�if you want to catch a one of a kind rabbit� unique up on it!

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